
Thank you for your interest in joining your local Grange!  Please fill out this application and give it to a Granger or send it to the following address.

A note from our Chairperson:

As your Illinois State Grange Membership Director, I thank you for the opportunity to serve you and your Grange. I am a member of Flora Grange #1762, serve as their treasurer and also a member and serve as treasurer for the Boone County Pomona Grange. I have met many of you, as my husband Al and I were delegates the past two years at the ISG convention, also attended the GRIT and leaders workshop.

My theme this year is: “Think Grange, Think New Members”

April is Grange month, however, I feel every month is membership month. Although the Grange was originally founded to serve the interests of farmers, because of the shrinking farm population, the Grange began to broaden its range to include a wide variety of issues and anyone is welcome to join the grange, and remember to include children, they are our future leaders.

I feel belonging to a Grange has many important facts: Life-long friendships, Fun, Enjoyment, Educational activities, and the Opportunity to make a difference in our local communities, as well as in our State of Illinois, so let’s ALL get out there and find ways to attract new members to our local Granges by creating activities and programs to attract them. Talk to your friends, relatives and neighbors, and your Grange may want to hold a special open house and introduce them to our programs and other Grange members, and in recruiting new members, please remember to make them feel wanted and needed.

Contact me at the above phone number or e-mail address if you have questions or some new ideas. Happy New Year, and Happy Recruiting.

Membership Chairperson
Lindakay F. Ebel
6199 Wolf Road
Kingston, IL 60145

Grange Member Application